Downloading the Artifactory Integration Plugin

Download the Black Duck Artifactory Integration plugin archive (.zip or .tgz) distribution from the Black Duck Artifactory Synopsys external SIG repository
The zip file is named: artifactory-integration-<version_number>.zip

After downloading the distribution, decompress the archive (.zip) file, which outputs the following file structure:

artifactory-integration-<version number>/ --blackDuckArtifactoryIntegration.groovy – lib/ – -- artifactory-integration-common-<version number>.jar – -- – -- synopsysArtifactoryVersion.txt

The components of the zip distribution are as follows:

  • blackDuckArtifactoryIntegration.groovy The plugin.

  • lib – The library folder containing the dependencies for the plugin.

  • – The configuration file for the plugin.


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