Artifactory Server Configuration on Black Duck

On startup, the Artifactory Integration connects to the Black Duck instance and retrieves its configuration based on the configuration name provided in the .properties file. Therefore, prior to starting the Artifactory Integration plugin, the Artifactory Server must be configured in your Black Duck instance. This is done clicking Admin -> Integrations -> Artifact Repositories -> + Add Server.


Each repository on the Artifactory Server to be managed by Black Duck will need to be defined. This allows finer-grained control of the blocking strategy applied and whether or not to produce a Lightweight Bill of Materials for the artifacts in the repository.


When adding repositories associated with package managers, take care to exclude text files containing metadata about the artifacts. This is done when defining the repository by clicking Filtering Options and then adding a wildcard item for each of the types of files to exclude from scanning. For example, a repository of type Maven should have *.xml and *.pom added to the Exclude Patterns.


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