Integrations Documentation

Black Duck helps you identify and mitigate open source related risks in your applications and containers.

The Synopsys integration products are designed to become part of your environment and workflow.

Documentation is now located here: SIG Product Documentation

Integrations are open sourced on our GitHub organization site at:

Synopsys Statement on Inclusivity and Diversity

Synopsys is committed to creating an inclusive environment where every employee, customer, and partner feels welcomed. We are reviewing and removing exclusionary language from our products and supporting customer-facing collateral. Our effort also includes internal initiatives to remove biased language from our engineering and working environment, including terms that are embedded in our software and IPs. At the same time, we are working to ensure that our web content and software applications are usable to people of varying abilities. You may still find examples of non-inclusive language in our software or documentation, as our IPs implement industry-standard specifications that are currently under review to remove exclusionary language.

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