Concurrent Detect Runs 6.8.0

When the same user executes Synopsys Detect concurrently, it can result in collisions because the Synopsys Detect script, Synopsys Detect .jar, Synopsys Detect inspectors, and the Black Duck Signature Scanner are each downloaded to the same default location during execution.

Concurrent execution of Synopsys Detect runs that include Docker image inspection create more challenges. For this scenario, Synopsys recommends engaging Synopsys Software Integrity Group Client Services for a solution tailored to your environment.

The following address scenarios that do not involve inspecting Docker images.

The Synopsys recommended way for a single user to execute multiple Synopsys Detect runs concurrently and to avoid the collisions is to do the following:

  • Run Synopsys Detect using the air gap capability to avoid downloading the Synopsys Detect script, .jar, or inspectors during execution.

  • Manually download and install the Black Duck Signature Scanner, and point Synopsys Detect to the Black Duck Signature Scanner.
    This avoids downloading the Black Duck Signature Scanner during execution.

Complete the listed tasks as follows:

  1. Log into Black Duck, and from Tools > Legacy Downloads, download and unzip the Black Duck Signature Scanner.

  2. Download the Synopsys Detect gradle-nuget air gap zip from Synopsys SIG Artifactory server and decompress the file.

  3. Run Synopsys Detect as shown in the following example:

java -jar {airgap dir}/synopsys-detect-6.4.0.jar{airgap dir}/packaged-inspectors/nuget/{airgap dir}/packaged-inspectors/gradle/ --detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.local.path={scan.cli-yourBlackDuckVersion dir}
java -jar {airgap dir}/synopsys-detect-6.4.0.jar{airgap dir}/packaged-inspectors/nuget/{airgap dir}/packaged-inspectors/gradle/ --detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.local.path={scan.cli-yourBlackDuckVersion dir}

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