Including and Excluding Tools and Detectors 6.8.0

This page describes the use of tools and detectors when using Synopsys Detect.

Including and excluding tools and detectors

Properties provide a variety of options for configuring Synopsys Detect behavior. One of the most fundamental ways to modify Synopsys Detect is by including and excluding tools and detectors.


By default, all tools are eligible to run; the set of tools that actually run depends on the properties you set. To limit the eligible tools to a given list, use:{comma-separated list of tool names, all uppercase}

Exclusions take precedence over inclusions

To exclude specific tools, use the following command:{comma-separated list of tool names, all uppercase}

Refer to Tools for the list of tool names.

Refer to Properties for details.


By default, all detectors are eligible to run. The set of detectors that run depends on the files in your project directory. To limit the eligible detectors to a given list, use the following:

--detect.included.detector.types={comma-separated list of detector names}

Exclusions take precedence over inclusions

To exclude specific detectors, use:

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