Running Behind a Proxy 6.8.0

When running behind a proxy, note the following:

  • Do not use the one-liner to download the scripts because it does not know about proxy. The scripts must be downloaded previously.

  • The script ( or detect.ps1) requires proxy details to do a version check on, and/or download the Synopsys Detect .jar file.

  • Synopsys Detect, in other words, the code in the .jar file, requires proxy details to download inspectors and connect to Black Duck and Polaris.

Providing proxy details to Synopsys Detect

Synopsys Detect looks for proxy details in the properties whose names start with blackduck.proxy, including:

  • (proxy host)

  • blackduck.proxy.port (proxy port)

  • blackduck.proxy.username (proxy username)

  • blackduck.proxy.password (proxy password)

Providing proxy details to

The curl commands executed by to do a version check on, and/or download the Synopsys Detect .jar file, require additional command line options when run behind a proxy. For more information on curl options, refer to the curl documentation.

To provide additional curl command line options for to use when it executes curl, set the environment variable DETECT_CURL_OPTS before running For example:

export DETECT_CURL_OPTS=--proxy http://myproxy:3128 ./

When using to execute Synopsys Detect you must set proxy properties for Synopsys Detect as previously described.

Providing proxy details to detect.ps1

detect.ps1 derives proxy details from environment variables whose names match the Synopsys Detect proxy property names. Configuring detect.ps1 for your proxy involves setting those environment variables before running detect.ps1. For example:

${} = $ProxyHost ${Env:blackduck.proxy.port} = $ProxyPort ${Env:blackduck.proxy.password} = $ProxyUsername ${Env:blackduck.proxy.username} = $ProxyPassword powershell "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'tls12'; irm$(Get-Random) | iex; detect"

When using detect.ps1 to execute Synopsys Detect, Synopsys Detect also receives the proxy details from these environment variables, so no additional configuration is required for Synopsys Detect.

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