Managing Certificates in Alert 6.2

Alert version 6.0.0 includes a new feature to add and manage certificates in Alert. You can add, edit, and delete certificates from the system.  When you want to test a connection to a Black Duck server or an external channel and you receive a PKIX error you can use the Certificates page to add the certificates to enable communication.
To create, edit, or delete certificates, click Certificates on the left navigation panel to open the Certificates page.

  • To add a new certificate, click +New, populate the fields and save.

  • To delete a certificate, select the checkbox in the row that represents the certificate and then click the Delete button.

  • To edit a certificate, double-click the row for the user, or click the Edit icon.

  • When you disable Enable Auto-Refresh on the Certificates screen a Refresh button appears, which enables you to refresh the display.

  • Use the search box to search for installed certificates.

Alert Certificates

You can specify a custom jssecacerts or cacerts file that is used as the Alert trust store. These are mounted like Docker secrets. The jssecacerts file takes precedence over the cacerts file. If neither file can be found in the secrets directory, then Alert creates a new trust store file.

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