Scheduling Notification

The scheduling page enables you to schedule notification delivery.

Go to Jobs > Scheduling to schedule the delivery of notifications. The following settings in Scheduling apply to all jobs created under Configuration.

Scheduling jobs in Alert

Go to Jobs > Scheduling to schedule the delivery of notifications. The following settings in Scheduling apply to all jobs.

  • Collecting Black Duck data in: (Removed in 6.4.0) In 6.4.0, Alert changed from pulling Black Duck for data every 60 seconds to once every 24 hours. Alert now retrieves Black Duck project and user data information directly from Black Duck rather than use the database tables in Alert.

In 6.3.x, Alert pulled Black Duck data every 60 seconds, and the non-configurable value that was shown for the Collecting Black Duck data in field decremented from 60 seconds to 0 (countdown time to collection), which was displayed in real time when Alert was connected to Black Duck.

  • Daily digest hour of day: Use the drop-down tool to select the hour of the day to run the daily digest distribution jobs.

  • Daily Digest Cron Next Run: Displays the date/time of the next daily digest run in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time.

  • Purge data frequency in days: Use the drop-down tool to select the frequency for cleaning up Black Duck data; the default value is three days. When the purge runs, it deletes all data that is older than the selected value.

  • Purge Cron Next Run: Displays the date/time of the next purge of provider data in UTC time.

When you are done, click Save to retain your scheduling preferences.


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