Detect Tools 6.8.0

Each Synopsys Detect run consists of running applicable Synopsys Detect tools.

Detect tools

The available Synopsys Detect tools in order of execution with the corresponding detect tools property value specified as follows:

  • Polaris is deprecated

  • Docker Inspector

  • Bazel

  • Detector
    The detector tool runs any applicable detectors.

  • Black Duck Signature Scanner

  • Black Duck Binary Analysis

  • Vulnerability Impact Analysis


Black Duck Binary Analysis is a separately licensed feature.



The detector tool runs any of the following detectors that might be applicable to your Detect scan project:

  • BitBake

  • CLang

  • Cargo

  • CocoaPods

  • Conda

  • Conan

  • Cpan

  • Cran

  • Git

  • Go

  • Gradle

  • Hex

  • Lerna

  • Maven

  • NPM

  • NuGet

  • Packagist

  • Pear

  • Pip

  • RubyGems

  • SBT

  • Swift

  • Yarn

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