Property Wildcards 6.8.0

You can use wildcards with Synopsys Detect properties.

Property wildcard support

The following Synopsys Detect properties can use the supported wildcards:

  • detect.maven.included.scopes

  • detect.maven.excluded.scopes

  • detect.maven.included.modules

  • detect.maven.excluded.modules

  • detect.sbt.included.configurations

  • detect.sbt.excluded.configurations

  • detect.gradle.included.configurations

  • detect.gradle.excluded.configurations

  • detect.gradle.included.projects

  • detect.gradle.excluded.projects



Supported wildcards

The supported wildcards and their effect are:

  • An asterisk (*) matches any sequence of zero or more characters

  • A question mark (?) matches any single character

For example:

  • *.jpg matches someimage.jpg, but not somedocument.doc

  • *.??? matches someimage.jpg and somedocument.doc, but not somedocument.docx

Wildcard evaluation in these values is similar to Linux command line file globbing, and different from regular expression matching.

Synopsys Detect uses the Apache Commons IO FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch() method to determine whether a string matches the given pattern. More details can be found here.

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