Deployment of Black Duck in Azure upgrade path using Helm

Because of issues discovered with AzureFile and RabbitMQ, it is necessary to create a new custom StorageClass and configure the security context for RabbitMQ when upgrading to Black Duck 2021.2.1.

1. Create a new custom storageClass for rabbitmq using the following yaml file.

kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: bd-rabbitmq-azurefile provisioner: mountOptions: - dir_mode=0700 - file_mode=0700 - uid=100 - gid=101 - mfsymlinks - cache=strict - actimeo=30 parameters: skuName: Standard_LRS

2.  Scale rabbitmq replicas to 0

kubectl scale deploy <install-name>-blackduck-rabbitmq --replicas=0

3.  Delete the existing PVC for RabbitMQ 

kubectl delete pvc <pvc id of rabbitmq>

4.  Configure the securityContext and storage class defined in the T-Shirt file provided with the Synopsys Helm charts. 

5.  Run helm upgrade  

 If you don't delete the PVC you'll get an expected error: Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch " "hub-k8s-blackduck-rabbitmq" with kind PersistentVolumeClaim: PersistentVolumeClaim "hub-k8s-blackduck-rabbitmq" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: is immutable after creation except resources.requests for bound claims




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