
Version 1.0.0

Refer to the following sections should issues arise during the use of your Black Duck plugin instance. 

Tip: After major releases of Black Duck, check for updated versions of your Black Duck plugins and their installation prerequisites.

Changes to the APIs, schema and SDK versions may require updated versions of the integration plugins.

Development and testing errors 

If an error message is generated that states During development and testing the following errors were encountered, use the following solutions:

  • If you try to use Java 6 instead of Java 7, instead of getting an Unsupported major:minor version error message, the plugin sometimes throws a false java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space message instead.

  • If you get a message that reads Service Unavailable, either the Black Duck server can't be reached, or the request to the server is invalid. Contact your Black Duck server administrator.

  • If you get a Precondition failed error message, then the request to the server is invalid. Verify that your global configuration is correct, and verify that the job configuration is correct. If you are still getting this message after you have checked your configuration, contact your Black Duck technical account manager.

  • If you get a Not Found (404) - Not Found error message, then the request to the server is invalid. Contact your Black Duck technical account manager.

Error: Project Does Not Exist in Black Duck

If you try to use the Black Duck plugin integration, and you configure a job with a project and version, and that project already exists, but the current Black Duck user is not assigned to it, then the following errors display:

  1. In the job configuration Project Name field, a notification displays This project does not exist on the Black Duck Server. Clicking Create project/version displays a message reading This version may already There was a problem creating this Black Duck project. Error Code: 412.

If you run the build, the following displays: 

Status : 412  Response : {"errorMessage":"project name already exists","arguments": {"fieldName":"name"},"errors":[{"errorMessage":"project name already exists","arguments":{"fieldName":"name"},"errorCode":"{central.constraint violation.project_name_duplicate_not_allowed}"}], "errorCode":"_ {central.constraint_violation.project_name_duplicate_not_allowed}"} Problem creating the project. 

Assigning the current user to the existing project with this name resolves the issue. 


For support issues, services, other resources, and contact information refer to Synopsys support.

Customers on the Enhanced Customer Support Plan are able to contact customer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to obtain Tier 1 support. 

If you are reporting an issue, please include the following information to help us investigate your issue:

  • Name and version of the plugin.

  • Black Duck product name and version number.

  • Third-party integrated product and version; for example, Artifactory, Eclipse, Jenkins, Maven, and others. For Black Duck, only Jenkins, TeamCity, and Bamboo is supported.

  • Java version.

  • Black Duck KnowledgeBase version, where applicable.

  • Operating system and version.

  • Source control management system and version.

  • If possible, the log files, configuration files, and Project Object Model (POM) XML files.

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