Configuring Black Duck Providers

Before you can use Alert, you must configure at least one Black Duck provider by navigating to the Black Duck providers on the navigation panel. The Black Duck provider provides the source of messages and notifications that are sent to Alert and are distributed to channels in a distribution job. You can configure more than one Black Duck provider to provide notifications to Alert but each Black Duck instance must be unique.

Configuring the Black Duck provider

The configuration of your Black Duck provider determines how your Alert instance communicates with your Black Duck server. Configure your provider as follows.

Click Black Duck > + New and complete the following for each instance that you want to configure:

  1. Enabled: Select the checkbox to enable or disable this configuration. (Added in Alert 6.0.0)

  2. Provider Configuration: Type a unique name for this provider configuration. (Added in Alert 6.0.0)

  3. URL: Type the URL for your Black Duck server.

  4. API Token: Paste in your Black Duck API token. Black Duck recommends creating a superuser for the API key. For more information on creating an API token, refer to Generating an API token in Black Duck.
    When the server is initially configured and the API token is set, it may take several minutes to synchronize the project data. A user can have Super User or Global Project Viewer roles.

  5. Timeout: Specify the timeout in seconds. This determines the duration of any single Alert connection to your Black Duck server.

  6. After completing your provider configuration, click Test Configuration. If the test is successful, a Test successful confirmation message displays.

  7. Click Save to save the configuration or Cancel to cancel this configuration.

Managing the Black Duck provider configuration table

To create, edit, or delete configurations, click Black Duck on the left navigation pane to open the Black Duck providers page.

  • To create a new provider configuration, click +New, populate the fields and save.

  • To delete a provider configuration, select the checkbox that represents the provider configuration (Name) and then click the Delete button. (Introduced in Alert 5.3.0)
    If the Black Duck provider configuration is cleared, related tasks that pull data from the Black Duck Provider are canceled.

  • To edit a configuration, double-click the row for the provider configuration (Name), or click the Edit icon.

  • To copy a configuration, click the Copy icon for the row that you want to copy the configuration.
    A dialog box with a copy of the existing Black Duck Provider configuration should appear with no API token.

    1. On the Black Duck Provider dialog box, change the existing name of the Black Duck Provider Configuration to make it unique.

    2. Add an API token for the Black Duck Provider, and then click Save to add the new Black Duck Provider to the table.


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