Synopsys Coverity for Azure DevOps Requirements

The following describes requirements for Synopsys Coverity in Azure DevOps.

Software requirements

The installation instructions in this document assume that you have the following installed and configured on your system:

  • Coverity versions 2018.12.0 or later.

  • Azure DevOps Services or Azure DevOps Server 17 or later.

For scanning NuGet projects, verify that you have the NuGet tool installer set up in the build job definition.  

Environment variable requirements

You must set the COVERITY_TOOL_HOME environment variable.  Configure the variable using PowerShell or Terminal; alternatively, configure the variable in Azure.

All Coverity ADO integration options require the Coverity analysis software to be preinstalled as it only works with self-hosted build agents.

Installation prerequisites

Before you install Synopsys Coverity Extension for Azure DevOps, ensure that:

  • Your Azure DevOps instance is up-to-date and fully patched.

  • You know the host name and port for your Coverity server.

  • The machine that hosts your Azure DevOps server must be able to connect to the Coverity server.

  • The Coverity Azure DevOps plugin requires a connection to a Coverity instance.

  • Coverity for ADO requires a self-hosted agent or the same shared network drive with Coverity installed.


Users and Roles for Coverity Connect

  • User account with administrator privileges on the Coverity system that you can use for the integration.

  • Coverity committer account

    • Committer plus visitor is sufficient for uploading results to a stream.

    • To create projects and streams, the committer account requires the project and stream admin role.


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