Status File 6.4.0

As of detect 6.2.0, an output status file is created in the run folder with the name status.json and is meant to summarize the detect run in a machine-readable format.

The file includes status codes, issues encountered and results produced. As additional processes consume this file, additional information will be added. The format is intended to evolve over time.

As Detect shuts down, by default, it performs cleanup operations, which include deleting the status file. You can disable clean up by setting --detect.cleanup=false.


{ "formatVersion": The version of the status file format. Will change as new features are introduced. "detectVersion": The version of Synopsys Detect that created the status file. "projectName": The project name. "projectVersion": The project version. "detectors": [ List of Detectors, see details below. ] "status": [ List of Status, see details below. ] "issues": [ List of Issues, see details below. ] "results": [ List of Results, see details below. ] "unrecognizedPaths": [ List of Unrecognized Paths, see details below. ] "codeLocations": [ List of code locations produced, see details below. ] }


{ "folder": The folder the detector applied to. "detectorType": The normalized detector type such as "GIT". "detectorName": A shorthand name of the detector such as "Git Cli". "descriptiveName": The long form name of the detector such as "GIT - Git Cli". "searchable": A boolean of whether or not the detector searched the given folder (currently will always be true). "applicable": A boolean of whether or not the detector applied to the given folder (currently will always be true). "extractable": A boolean indicating whether the detector could extract, meaning all of it's dependencies were downloaded or available. "discoverable": A boolean indicating whether or not the detector was able to discover project information. "extracted": A boolean indicating whether or not the detector was able to extract dependencies. "searchableReason": A human readable description of the searchable result. "applicableReason": A human readable description of the applicable result. "extractableReason": A human readable description of the extractable result. "relevantFiles": [ A list of files relevant to the detector. ] "projectName": The project name this detectable found. "projectVersion": The project version this detectable found. "codeLocationCount": The number of code locations this detector produced. }


{ "key": The normalized key this status element describes such as "GIT". "status": "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE" }



A result is a URL or file path to output produced by the Synopsys Detect run such as a Black Duck Bill Of Materials (BOM), risk report, notices report, or air-gap zip archive file.

Unrecognized Paths

Code Locations


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