Synopsys Alert 6.1

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This guide provides information about setting up and using Synopsys Alert versions 4.0.0 and later. The Alert application provides the capability to send notifications relating to configured Black Duck events from the Black Duck provider through various channels such as email, Jira, or Slack. Alert users with the administrator or job manager role can create distribution jobs that configure how the notifications are sent from Black Duck to various channels.

Synopsys Alert (formerly Black Duck Alert) enables you to get the notifications you want, through a channel that you configure, and at intervals that you set. Alert is a web application that runs in a browser and has its own user interface. Alert can be orchestrated as part of, and runs in parallel with, your Black Duck deployment.

Before you start

Before you access and configure Alert notifications from Black Duck, you must have installed Synopsys Alert by using either of the following methods:

  • For instructions about installing Synopsys Alert in a Docker Swarm environment, refer to the Docker Swarm Readme file in the deployment zip file.

  • To install Alert with Kubernetes, locate the deployment files in Alert's Kubernetes subdirectory, and open the Readme file, which contains the Kubernetes configuration procedures and installation instructions.  For a stand-alone installation, view the stand-alone installation section in the Readme file and follow those instructions. 

Alert only supports TLS 1.2 and 1.3


The following prerequisites are required to install and run Synopsys Alert:

  • 5GB disk space

  • 2GB RAM

  • Black Duck API token for running Black Duck

  • Black Duck
    Refer to Black Duck Release Compatibility to view the supported versions Black Duck versions.

  • Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes

  • Java version 11

  • Jira version 8.x and later

  • Black Duck 2019.12.0 is the minimum compatible Black Duck version for Alert 6.0.0.


Logging in to Black Duck is not required for using Alert; the user management is separate from Black Duck. An API token is required to configure the Black Duck provider to receive notifications from Black Duck.

You must be able to generate an API token from Black Duck, which you do in the Black Duck user profile. This API token is plugged into Alert. For information about creating an API token in Black Duck, refer to Generating an API token in Black Duck.

In February 2019, HipChat was deprecated by Atlassian. Therefore, in Alert versions 5.0.0 and higher, HipChat is no longer supported.

Alert upgrade notification

When a new version of Alert is available, a Warning system message shows that there is a new version available after the system has been running for 24 hours. If an email server is configured, the sysadmin user receives a notification email with a link to the new version.

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