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Black Duck supports scanning images stored in the Azure Container Registry (ACR). Image scan results are sent to your dedicated Black Duck instance providing vulnerability, license, and operational risk results on the open source software components identified in the ECR image.

There are two ways that you can scan container images in ECR:

Each method is described, below.

Using Synopsys Detect on a local workstation

Before you can scan images in ACR using Synopsys Detect, ensure that you satisfy the following requirements:

To locally scan container images stored in ECR, follow these steps:

  1. Authenticate with ACR. The az acr login command generates an authentication token and authenticates with your registry.

    az acr login --name <acrName>

  2. Invoke Synopsys Detect, and provide the following at a minimum.

    bash <(curl -s \
    --blackduck.url=<URL> \
    --blackduck.api.token=<token> \
    --detect.docker.image=<Image URI> \<Project Name>


Using Azure DevOps Pipelines

Invoking the Synopsys Detect extension to scan a Docker image stored in ACR

Talk to your authorized support representative for details on the Synopsys Detect extension.

See also: Azure DevOps (ADO) Plugin

Invoking Synopsys Detect as a script to scan a Docker image stored in ACR

If you would rather run Black Duck Detect as a Script than an extension, follow these steps:

In this example, follow the steps to create your first application using the Azure Portal.
From the available options, select  Node.js sample app > Simple Node.js app > Web App for Containers. 
You must authenticate with ACR; reference how to Authenticate with Azure Container Registry.

Start in Pipelines > Library inside Azure DevOps. 

  1. Reference the Variable Groups for Builds and Releases page for how to create a Variable Group. 
  2. Access your Build (CI) pipeline by expanding the Pipelines sidebar item, and then choosing Builds.
  3. Select the Pipeline you want to add Black Duck Detect to, then click Edit.
  4. Link your variable groups by following the steps in Use a Variable Group.
  5. Add a Pipeline task for running Detect:
  6. Configure the bash step to run after the image has been pushed to ACR
  7. Save and Queue the Pipeline, and then view the Pipeline Run Results.

  8. View Scan Results in your instance of Black Duck.

For more information about using Black Duck, evaluating scan results, and more, refer to the topic Getting Started with Black Duck located here: Black Duck