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Polaris Software Integrity Platform (Polaris) helps security and development teams analyze security risks in their software products. Polaris provides a comprehensive, aggregated view of application security with the ability to examine and manage individual issues.

Polaris for Jenkins enables continuous integration, and by incorporating the Polaris plugin it provides the flexibility to orchestrate security analysis in your software development.

When the Polaris for Jenkins plugin runs it does the following:

Basic workflow

Using Polaris Software Integrity Platform (Polaris) to analyze your code through Jenkins involves the following basic steps:

  1. Make sure you satisfy the requirements.

  2. Install the Polaris plugin in Jenkins.

  3. Configure credentials for Polaris and any environment variables.

  4. Configure Polaris CLI in Jenkins.

  5. Configure a connection to your Polaris instance in Jenkins.

  6. Provide Polaris arguments in a Freestyle or Pipeline job to run against a build.

  7. Examine the analysis results.

Refer to the following pages for more information: