After downloading the .vsix file and installing the Coverity Azure DevOps extension, you can configure it using the following procedure.

To configure the Synopsys Coverity Extension for Azure DevOps, do the following:

  1. In Azure DevOps, create or edit a build definition.

  2. Click Add build step...

  3. In the Utility section, locate Synopsys Coverity, and click Add.

The integration requires that the Coverity analysis software be preinstalled and hence will only work with self-hosted build agents.

You can add a Coverity scan task to your Azure DevOps instance.

 To add a Coverity scan task:

  1. Navigate to the Azure DevOps Task catalog page.

  2. Find the Synopsys Coverity option in the list.

  3. Click Add.

  4. After adding this task to your build definition, you must complete the following in the Synopsys Coverity section.

Accepting certificates

To enable self signed SSL certificates, navigate to Advanced in the Synopsys Coverity task, and enable the checkbox for Accept self signed certificates.  When enabled, this task allows a connection to a self-signed Coverity instance.