
To communicate with either Coverity on Polaris or Black Duck, Synopsys Detect must first authenticate its connection. To ensure that Synopsys Detect can authenticate, you must provide the appropriate URLs and access tokens. While you can pass these values to Synopsys Detect at invocation, this is not recommended because the values are not encrypted. A more secure approach is to leverage the Google's Key Management Service to protect sensitive values and make them available to Cloud Build. 

Depending on the tools you're scanning with, different access secrets might be required.

Here's a list of requirements:

The following steps describe adding the parameters and making them available to Cloud Build:

Encrypting credentials by using KMS

The following procedure shows how to use KMS to encrypt a secret:

  1. Create a KeyRing and a CryptoKey in the Encryption keys section of IAM. 
  2. Ensure that Google users have access to the KeyRing and CryptoKey just created by adding the allAuthenticatedUsers members, assigned with the owner role, to the CryptoKey permissions. For additional information about KMS permissions and roles, refer to the KMS Permissions and Roles page.
  3. Generate an Access Token for the Application you're scanning with.
  4. Encrypt the token by using gcloud's KMS encrypt with the KeyRing and CryptoKey names that were created in the previous steps as shown in the following command: 

    # - Optional, save the Token to an Environment Variable
    export TOKEN=<<Token from Black Duck or Polaris>>
    # - Echo the Token Value, Piped to KMS Encrypt, then Piped to base64
    echo -n $TOKEN | gcloud kms encrypt \
      --plaintext-file=- \  # - reads from stdin
      --ciphertext-file=- \  # - writes to stdout
      --location=global \
      --keyring=[KEYRING-NAME] \
      --key=[KEY-NAME] | base64

  5. The command in step four outputs a base64-encoded string when is runs sucessfully.
    Copy this string, and post it in the build configuration file under secrets > secretsEnv.

Sample build configuration file with Secrets decrypted with KMS

- name: ''
  secretEnv: [ 'BD_TOKEN' ]
  - '--blackduck.url'
  - '<<Black Duck URL>>' # The URL of your Black Duck Instance
  - '--blackduck.api.token'
  - '$$BD_TOKEN' # Black Duck API Token decrypted by KMS
  - ''
  - '<<Project_Name>>' # Project Name to map scan to in Black Duck UI
  - ''
  - '<<Project Version>>' # Project Version to map scan to in Black Duck UI
  - '' 
  - 'SIGNATURE_SCAN' # List of Scanners to Run
  - '--detect.source.path' 
  - '/workspace' # Target for Signature Scan
- kmsKeyName: projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/global/keyRings/[KEY_RING_NAME]/cryptoKeys/[KEY_NAME]
    BD_TOKEN: <<base64 encoded encrypted Black Duck API Token>>